Pool Rentals

Community Pool Official Dates of Operation
OVparks is not currently offering private pool rentals. We have pool party place rentals avaible.
OVparks-Pool-Rental-Policies.pdf2025 Pool Party Place Rental Application.pdfOVparks Community Pool Reservation Policies & Procedures
The Pool Rental Application and the Pool Reservation Policies & Procedures (same as below) are found on the right sidebar as pdf documents.
The information below will assist you in planning your rental at the pool. If you have any further questions, feel free to call the District Office at (916) 988-4373.
Pool reservations are subject to approval and must comply with regulations governing the use of the facility.
Orangevale based community service organizations, recreation-oriented groups, Orangevale based youth groups, and San Juan Unified School District groups qualify for a reduction of rental fees.
Available for Use
OVparks Community Pool is an aquatic facility perfect for swimmers of all ages. The pool includes a zero-foot depth area for young swimmers and non-swimmers, a lap swim area, and a 35-foot slide. The facility also includes a grass/picnic area and restrooms.
Adjacent to the Community Pool are multi-sport athletic fields, community center, and patio areas. Fees for these facilities are not included in the pool reservation.
Available Dates and Hours for Rentals
Orangevale Community Pool is available for rent when it is not being used for District programs. Summer pool rentals are generally available beginning the Saturday before Memorial Day in May and ending the Sunday before Labor Day in either August or September. Standard private rental periods are as follows:
- Saturdays, 10:30am-12:30pm
- Saturdays, 5:00pm-7:00pm*
- Sundays, 10:30am-12:30pm
- Sundays, 5:00pm-7:00pm*
*Your evening pool rental can be extended to 8:00pm for an additional fee. Please contact the District office for fees.
All set-up and clean-up must be completed within these hours. If use is needed beyond these hours, special arrangements may be made subject to Orangevale Recreation & Park District approval.
Reservation Process for Schools
Reservations will be accepted the first Monday of February for schools. School rental times are as follows:
- Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm
- Monday through Friday, 12:30pm to 3:30pm.
To make a reservation, the applicant must complete a Pool Reservation Application and be 21 years or older (proof of age may be required). For schools, payment will be required two weeks prior to your reservation date. For private rentals, payment is due at the time the reservation is made. Deposits or holds for private rentals are not accepted. Fees are based on the number of people attending.
Procedures for Overtime/Cancellation
Fees will not be refunded for reserved time not used. If your event goes beyond scheduled hours, appropriate overtime will be billed to your group. The overtime rate is 1.5 times the regular hourly rate.
Cancellations of reservations will be subject to the following conditions/fees:
- More than 30 day advance notice: Refund fees minus a $25 Cancellation Fee.
- 14-30 days notice: Retain 25% of rental fees.
- Less than 14 days notice: Retain 50% of rental fees.
In case of emergency, Orangevale Recreation & Park District reserves the right to cancel a scheduled event without liability. Pool emergencies may include: chemical imbalances of the pool, inclement weather, and/or vandalism to pool equipment. Full refunds will be made if the District cancels your event.
Services Provided
The District provides the proper amount of lifeguards to host the entire event. The number of lifeguards on duty is based on the TOTAL number of participants in a group, as defined in your rental application. A pool manager will open and close the facility, provide information and direction for your reservation.
Only OVparks staff shall adjust pool equipment, lighting, slide, PA system, or any other equipment or electrical or mechanical units in the facility. Staff is available at all times to assist your group during your reservation.
Tables, chairs, and chaise lounge chairs normally located at the pool are available for use by your group.
Delivery and pick-up of supplies or equipment will not be allowed prior to indicated beginning time of rental or after the indicated ending time. Storage is NOT available either before or after an event.
PRIVATE POOL RENTAL: This rental includes exclusive use of the Community Pool during non-public hours, District staffed lifeguards, and use of grass and picnic areas.
PARTY PLACE: This package includes reserved use of two shaded picnic tables and the Community Pool during regular public swim hours and admission to the pool for 10 children. Additional guests will be charged the regular admission fee. Each picnic table seats 8.
Barbecues are not permitted within the gates of the Community Pool. Barbeques are approved in specific locations with District permit.
Alcohol and Tobacco Use
Alcohol and tobacco are not permitted within the gates of the Community Pool.
Renter Responsibilities for Clean Up
The renting party is responsible for the following cleaning duties (including Pool Party rentals):
- All trash and decorations (including tape) must be removed and placed is receptacles provided.
- Clean up any food items left of the deck or pool areas.
Policies and Conditions
- OVparks reserves the right to refuse permits for special uses of its facilities.
- For unavoidable emergencies, it may be necessary to reschedule or deny a request previously approved within the Community Pool. In this event, the District will notify your group as soon as possible.
- Permits cannot be transferred, assigned, or sublet. Under no circumstances shall the permitted sublease, sublet, or allow any other organization or individual to use the facility during the time/date for which they have contracted.
- It is the responsibility of the user to adhere to occupancy regulations. All District personnel have the absolute right to terminate an activity if a group exceeds the maximum occupancy limit of 400 persons within the pool facility area.
- Users are not to block door exits, gates, or driveways to permit access for emergency vehicles. Parking is allowed in assigned spaces only. NO PARKING IN FIRE LANES. VEHICLES ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THE POOL DECK.
- The individual or group using the facility assumes the responsibility for the conduct of their guest(s). Fights, vandalism, or unacceptable behavior, as determined by District Staff, occurring during a reservation shall cause immediate cancellation of the reservation and no refund of fees.
- Damage to facility shall be the responsibility of the renter. The renter will be billed for all costs of repairs, both actual and incidental.
- Other areas of the Community Center building and site (including parking lots) may be in use before, during, and after your event. Parking availability is NOT guaranteed.
- Rental permits for groups composed of persons under the age of 21 will be issued only to an adult who accepts supervisory responsibility throughout the period covered by the rental agreement.
- OVparks reserves the right to schedule additional events before and after your confirmed rental time.
- OVparks is not responsible for any damage or theft of any items of the permittees, and/or guest(s).
- Rental groups must clean-up and exit the pool area by the end of the scheduled rental time. This allows for the next rental or program to begin as scheduled.