California Special Districts Association (CSDA)
The Orangevale Recreation & Park District (OVparks) is a member of the California Special Districts Association (CSDA). As an Independent Special District, OVparks is organized under California Law (Public Resources Code Section 5780 et.seq.) for the performance of local governmental functions within specified boundaries. Agencies range in size from small to very large and often cross political boundary lines, such as city and county borders, to serve a common community of interest.
There is a clear identification between agency name and services provided, which has resulted in a high level of accountability and responsibility to the public, and a high degree of customer satisfaction. As such, special districts are an integral part of local government and contribute significantly to the quality of life in the communities they serve.
Your Community, Your Service, Your District
Map of California Special Districts
August 2017 – Little Hoover Commission Report
Special District’s: Improving Oversight & Transparency Report – Click here